Inneract Project

Inneract Project empowers underrepresented youth through design education and links them to opportunities to explore design in career and life.

In a week-long workshop, I partnered with a handful of other Adobe Design, Research, & Strategy team members to lead 4 young women through a design thinking exercise centered on the prompt

How might we design an ad campaign or mobile app to help youth in homelessness discover services that can help?

Mentees participated in ideating, synthesis, execution with tools like Adobe Spark and Adobe XD, and presentation in a final ceremony.


Internal Mentoring

In addition to mentoring via organizations as well as individual connections externally, I am also passionate about mentorship and strengthening the industry from within my company.

Examples of internal mentorship include

  • Internal team Design Huddles

  • 1:1 mentorship

  • Cross-team offsites

  • Hosting external groups & speakers